Alter Egos Series 9 Mushroom: Dog

Brand: Squishable- Snackers & Alter Egos
SKU: SQU-124804
UPC: 841024124804
Ages: 3


We all know dogs are man's best friend - but what if you're allergic? Or your building doesn't allow real dogs??? This can help solve both those problems, while also helping to cure your crippling loneliness! Teehee!

Imagine an infinite number of alternate dimensions, sliced thin like salami and all layered together in a delicious sandwich of universes. In these parallel strata of time and space, the Squishables are very, very different. Squishable Alter Egos are all the Squishables that might have been (and almost certainly still are...somewhere). Released in collectors' sets of 5, each one is Snacker-sized, with a base of beans and our special soft fur. Because some things are universal.


5.5(w) x 5.5(d) x 6.25(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!