Small Joy Tower Kit

Brand: TOYSMITH- Impulse & Fidget
Ages: 3


Toy Towers are the proven Toysmith merchandising solution for impulse (or as we like to say, spontaneous!) toys and gifts.

Create a predictable, steady stream of incremental profit with this one-stop-shop solution of the best selling items.


This display includes a selection of 24 items and the Toy Tower display fixtures.

Product offest included with the purchase of the display.

Ask us for details!


TS-20275 Infinite Fidget Cube (24)

TS-9716 Whoopie Cushion (24)

TS-2401 Mini Clay (72)

TS-1245 Ink-A-Do Tattoo Pens (12)

TS-1035 Snapperz Rainbow (24)

TS-8055 Metal Kazoo (24)

TS-5522 Key Chain Tape Measure (48)

TS-8071 Brilliant Harmonica (12)

TS-8060 Lil' Chacha (24)

TS-6329 Chubby Kitties (16)

TS-56437 Fishing Spiky Ball (24)

TS-1754 Dino Squishimals (18)

TS-7015 Mix-in-Slimes (12)

TS-63338 Wind Up Divers (24)

TS-39355 Bird Call (24)

TS-7809 Rainbow Pom Pom Ball (18)

TS-1954 Peg Game (24)

TS-2240 Super Stretch Snake (52)

TS-8093 Sea Life Water Snakes (12)

TS-1841 Monster Puppets (48)

TS-65514 Mini Babies (24)

TS-8538 Ginormous Hatchin Grow Dino (16)

TS-1403 Double Sided Flip Car (12)

TS-66833 Mood Mudd (36)


Display Components:

TDR-1 1x 9 Section Display Top

TDR-2  1x 3 Section Display Unit

TDR-4 1x 4 Section Display Unit

TDRBAse x 1 Base Unit


T>-2027S Infinite Fidget Cube (241 2.9S 24 70.80
A 2 l>-9716 WhoopieCushion 1.45 24 34.80
A 3 T>2401 Mini Clay (72) 0.7S 72 S4.00
A 4 l>-124S Ink-A-Do Tattoo Pens(12) 4.05 12 48.60
A 5 l>-1035 Snapperz Rainbow (241 3.70 24 88.80
A 6 l>-8055 Metal Kazoo {24 I 2.55 24 61.20
A 7 T>5522 Key Chain Tape Measure [48) 2.20 48 105.60
A 8 l>-8071 Brilliant Harmonica(12) 4.40 12 52.80
A 9 l>-8060 Lil' Cha Cha{24I 2.20 24 52.80
A 10 T>-6329 Chubby Kitties 2.95 16 47.20 Includes free product offset.
A 11 l>-56437 P.lshingSpiky Ball 1.85 24 44.40 Substitutions may be made
A 12 T>-1754 Dino Squishirnals (181 4.05 18 72.90 subject to availability.
A 13 T>-7015 MixinSlirne(l2) 4.40 12 S2.80
A 14 l>-63338 Wind UP Diver(24l 4.00 12 48.00
A 1S T>-393 Bird call 5.15 24 123.60
A 16 T>-7809 Rainbow Porn Porn Ball (18) 2.95 18 53.10
A 17 l>-1954 PegGame 2.55 24 61.20
A 18 l>-2240 Super t.retchy Snake 1.80 54 97.20
A 19 l>-8093 SealifeWater Snake 2.95 12 35.40
A 20 T>1000 Safari Finger Puppets 0.95 24 22.80
A 21 l>-65513 Mini Babies [24) 5.15 24 123.60
A 22 l>-8538 Ginormous Hatch in Grow Dino (121 4.40 12

**Individually products and price are subject to change based on availability, price is a rough estimate based on the specific assortment you receive**